Apply for pre-application advice
Use our advice service for guidance about a development you are considering...
Check whether you need planning permission
Find out if your proposal requires planning permission on the Planning Portal website...
Appeal a planning decision
Find out how to appeal to the Planning Inspectorate against a planning decision on GOV.UK...
Calculate application fees
Planning fees are set nationally and can be calculated at the Planning Portal...
Obtain a site's planning history
Find out the planning history of a specified site from 1948 using this service...
Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) guidance for planning applicants
The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a charge on most developments over a certain size to fund local infrastructure...
Biodiversity Net Gain
Most major developments are required to deliver a 10% increase in biodiversity secured by a condition, a section 106 agreement or a conservation covenant…
Dropped kerbs
You will need permission from Kent County Council and you may need planning permission from us to install a dropped kerb on to a public road…
Development Management Committee
About our committee, meeting dates and agendas and how to register to speak on a planning application...